SG 2 SAT - Science and Technology
SG 3 SAR- Search and Rescue Marines
SG 4 FCE - First Contact and Exploration
SG 5 SAR - Search and Rescue Marines
SG 6 FCE - FIrst Contact and Exploration
SG 7 PET - Planetary Exploration Team
SG 8 PET - Planetary Exploration Team
SG 9 MED - Medical Corps

CO - Commanding Officer (Teamleiter)

2IC - Second in Command (Stellvertreter)

MED - Medical (Ärzte)

RTO - Radio Transmission Operator (Funker)

CIF - Criminal Investigation and Forensics (Spurenermittler)

SG 10 Helping Hands (Missing In Action)

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CO Elli Ku´ijl
2IC Jane
MEd Cian O´Connell
RTO Stefanie Specht
CO Colonel Spritti
2IC Bastet
RTo Hermine Granger
CIF The Doctor
CO Marc McJones
2IC Jenna Mackreides
RTO Councelor Kay Toons
CIF Aton Slor

CO Gerry O´Connor

2IC Stefanie Lorenz
RTO Daniel Jackson
CIF Proty
CIF Svenja Mckay
CO Major Hayden McGIll
RTO Birgitt Schuhknecht
CIF Sarah MacKenzie
CO Cdr. Phoenix
2IC Satra Askavi
MED Yuna Nuro
RTO Charles Kawalsky
CIF Richard
CO Dr. MED. Theodor Coffey
2IC P.R. Johnson
RTO HW Terlinden
CIF Nick Fury
CIF Marion Schneider
CO Tachi Conrad
2IC B´elar B´aras
RTO Jack O´Leary
CIF Darky Winters
CO Samantha Greene
2IC Roberta Robbins
MED Jackie Maurer
RTO Katherine Hunter
Helping Hands
SG 2 Akira MED
SG 3 Stabbim Kree MED

SG 4 Tigger MED


SG 4 Caron Faire CIF

Mad Scientist

SG 6 Ge´neral Ingo **** CIF


Sg 7 Sherry MED


SG 8 Mordio Data-Package MED


SG 9 Kathryn McQueen MED